Any family with a relative who requires care understands that quality care is essential for the well-being of the loved one and the carer’s sanity. Residential respite care presents a critical need whereby the accommodation and care are temporary for the persons...
Several carers must understand the importance of caring time, especially for a family member or friend. The Australian Bureau’s statistics show that around fifty percent of carers perform their roles more than twenty hours per week. Although many carers are...
RAOK, or random acts of kindness, refers to some precise but innocent gestures that significantly impact both the recipient and the doer. These include simple acts that involve offering to open a door for somebody or taking a friend out for coffee. Discussing more...
Maintaining a quality of life in old age is vital to avoid loneliness. If a senior citizen opts to stay alone or in a care home, they should also be able to live life to the fullest. At Premier Home Care, we appreciate the importance of improving senior...
Although our focus is on elder care options it is important to remember that life-changing conditions that threaten independent living are not limited to the elderly. People of any age can experience challenging conditions due to illness or injury that interfere with...